It’s prime Sunday 4 pm tele — with a cup of tea in hand and the feet up, there’s nothing better than judging the dresses, gasping at the unique families, and gawking into the lives of the brides-to-be in a ‘Say Yes To The Dress’ omnibus.

‘Say Yes To The Dress’ has been on the go for 15 years; the first episode aired in October 2007 from the Kleinfeld bridal salon in Manhattan, New York. From there on, the show has had umpteen spin-offs in various countries and cities globally.

Turns out, people will tune in from all around the world to eyeball wedding gowns and in the UK, it’s no different. The UK spin-off was hosted by David Emmanuel, the designer behind Princess Diana’s wedding gown and Gok Wan was the host of a Lancashire-specific spin-off.

Now, we’re getting a host who’s no stranger to the world of reality TV. Drum roll, please — it’s the chic, silver-haired fox Tan France from ‘Queer Eye’. We think he’ll be perfect; not only has he got the CV for it, but he’s also just so loveable.

Could not be more excited!! ❤️

— Tan France (@tanfrance) January 31, 2022

In a press release reported by POPSUGAR, France shared his excitement over the new role, saying, “I can’t wait to meet the brides; I can’t wait to show that I am so invested in making them feel beautiful”.

He really understands the dress-choosing process on an emotional and psychological level too, “it’s the one thing that they will put on their bodies that I hope will make them feel like nothing else and to know that I get to be a small part of that is something special”.

France seems to have a unique (queer) eye for fashion and like Gok Wan, he plans to bring his own flair to his version of the beloved show, “I can’t wait for the audience to see what I do with my version of ‘Say Yes To The Dress’. I hope you’re going to be blown away”.

Unfortunately, there’s no release date for the series yet, but you can quench your fashion slash France cravings with his 2020 show ‘Next in Fashion’ on Netflix, which has been renewed for season two to include GiGi Hadid as co-host. Exciting.

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