With the desire to help her grandmother have a wedding album, Thanh Nhi “transformed” herself into a groom to carry out this unique idea with her grandmother.

Wearing high heels and a dress for the first time

The social media community shared the extremely unique wedding photos of the 70-year-old grandmother, with the “groom” in the photos being her own grandchild. Seeing her grandmother in a wedding dress with a truly happy smile on her face, everyone couldn’t help but feel delighted. Many people left cheerful comments and admiration for the love, affection, and creative ideas that the grandchild dedicated to her grandmother.

The main characters in the photos are Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhi (25 years old, from H.Lap Vo, Dong Thap) and his grandmother, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Men (68 years old).

Sharing with Thanh Nien newspaper, Thanh Nhi said that the photos were taken not long ago. He saw the lovely idea on social media and wanted to take pictures with his grandmother to create a memorable moment for her in her old age. She got married to her husband nearly 50 years ago, but at that time, she did not have the opportunity to wear a wedding dress or beautiful makeup. “My grandmother was a bride before, but her outfit was not as perfect as it is today, so I became the “groom” to take wedding photos with her. I want her to know that no matter how old she is, if she becomes a bride, she will still look beautiful and she can enjoy the moment with her grandchild,” he said.

His grandfather passed away over a year ago. When he presented the idea to his grandmother, she completely agreed and happily cooperated. She also wanted to have a unique photo set with her grandchild. With Thanh Nhi’s guidance, Mrs. Men posed very naturally. It was also the first time she wore high heels and a dress, so she had a little difficulty moving around. She happily told her grandchild to stand still and tried to pose to have a photo set that she liked.

“Taking photos with my grandmother is an unforgettable memory in my life. I also want to convey a message to all the older women who did not have the opportunity to wear a wedding dress, that they should be brave enough to try it and realize how beautiful they are. Besides that, grandchildren should give love, affection, and everything they can to their grandparents while they are still alive,” he expressed.

The everyday photos of two grandmother and granddaughter

I hope my grandmother always stays healthy along with her grandchildren.

Anh Nhi’s grandmother has three children (two daughters and a son). His father passed away when he was four years old and his mother left afterwards, so he lived with his grandparents since he was young. His childhood was associated with his grandparents and he always cherished and treasured those feelings. “Every time I was sick, my grandmother went through the fields and streams to collect leaves to make medicine for me. Once, I participated in a summer retreat and the teachers asked us to be quiet for a while. I closed my eyes and remembered my childhood, the teachers read quotes about my grandparents, parents, and at that moment I thought of the day when my grandmother was no longer there to make medicine, who would do it for me, and tears streamed down my face, I cried a lot,” he recalled emotionally.

It is known that the “bride” photoshoot of the 70-year-old grandmother was carried out in about 3 hours. Thanh Nhi said that her grandmother was very happy to see herself looking younger and more vibrant than usual in the photos. Thanh Nhi was excited to see the photos receiving a lot of interaction, praise from relatives, friends, and social media users. “I think everyone has affection for their family and there are many different ways to express it. I always cherish the moments spent with my loved ones. I hope my grandmother always stays optimistic, healthy, and happy with her children and grandchildren,” he shared.

Ba Men was deeply moved when her grandchild proposed to take wedding photos with her. She was even happier to receive many compliments from everyone. To her, Thanh Nhi is a filial and affectionate grandchild. “Thanh Nhi wanted to take photos with me in a special way, so he made himself the ‘groom’. When I got married, it wasn’t as beautiful as this. Thanh Nhi has been with me since I was young, so we love and care for each other. I always hope that my grandchild is healthy and successful,” the grandmother shared.

Source: thanhnien.vn

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