A recent wedding in India has caused a stir among the public due to a strange and unexpected incident. In the city of Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, on May 28th, bride Surabhi and groom Manjesh Kumar were performing the final rituals of their wedding when Surabhi suddenly collapsed at her fiancé’s feet.

Doctors immediately arrived to check Surabhi’s health, but unfortunately, she had already passed away due to a heart attack. The atmosphere of joy and celebration quickly turned into one of mourning for the couple.

However, both families had an unforeseeable contingency plan in place, which was to have Surabhi’s younger sister, Nisha, take her place and continue with the wedding ceremony.

Surabhi’s brother, Saurabh, said, “We didn’t know what to do in that situation. But both families were present, and someone suggested that our younger sister, Nisha, take the place of Surabhi to marry the groom. Both families sat down and discussed it, and they all agreed to this plan.”

Nisha did not object to this arrangement and continued to perform the final rituals that the unfortunate bride was unable to complete.

Surabhi’s uncle, Ajab Singh, expressed his feelings about the situation, saying, “It was a sad event for the family. One daughter died in a cold room, and another daughter organized her own wedding in the room next door. We have never experienced such mixed emotions before, a mixture of grief for Surabhi’s departure and happiness for Nisha’s wedding.”

The unexpected incident at the wedding has left a lasting impact on both families and the public. The families’ contingency plan to continue with the wedding despite the tragic event has been praised by many as a testament to their love and commitment to their family. The incident has sparked discussions about the importance of having backup plans in place for important events and how unexpected situations can occur at any moment.

By Bych

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