A cheap wedding dress and an unusual outfit for the bridesmaids have caused a heated argument between the bride and groom-to-be. The story aired on the February 24th episode of the show “Don’t Tell the Bride,” featuring Anna, a 30-year-old bride who was outraged by her fiancé’s stinginess, as he only spent £150 ($200) on her wedding dress.

Living in Jersey, England, Andy was busy preparing for his big day, which was taking place in just three weeks. He decided to take inspiration from his fiancé’s Ukrainian heritage and planned a traditional Ukrainian wedding.

Unfortunately, Andy didn’t have the £13,000 ($17,500) budget needed to buy a proper wedding dress. Instead, he purchased a cheap dress that Anna didn’t feel special in and had to take off. Moreover, he also prepared an unusual outfit for the bridesmaids, which made them feel uncomfortable.

Despite the disappointment, Anna forgave her fiancé after seeing his efforts to please her and her family. The wedding took place in a local hall that only cost £100 ($135) to rent.

Although not the wedding she had dreamed of, Anna was touched by the effort Andy put into making the day special for her and her family. Andy’s traditional Ukrainian wedding turned out to be a success, despite the small budget. The couple’s love for each other proved to be stronger than any materialistic desires.

By Bych

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