Say Yes To The Dress, the reality TV show that has been on the air for 17 seasons, has a huge following. Here are 10 more wedding shows to binge.

Weddings have evolved with time. Today, couples don’t have to stick to what is traditional. Weddings have become more fun since there’s so much room to be creative. With that in mind, there’s tons of wedding content out there such as popular Pinterest boards, films like the Princess Bride and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and of course, televisions shows. The most popular of them? You guessed it: Say Yes to the Dress.

Luckily for fans of Say Yes to the Dress, there are a lot of similar TV shows out there worth binging. Read on to find out 10 shows to watch if you’re a fan of Say Yes to the Dress.

Four Weddings

This show started out on British reality TV but was popular enough that it got its own versions in other countries. Basically, it’s about four brides who compete to throw the best wedding. Whoever wins gets a free honeymoon. The judges are the brides themselves. They score each other on food, dress, and other matters.

The show tends to mix up different brides in terms of styles, likes, and personalities which makes it all the more interesting to watch. Drama levels are typically low too, with the brides often being good sports.

Cheapest Weddings

Netflix’s Australian reality TV show, Cheapest Weddings, is definitely worth a watch if you like to see creative weddings. Weddings are definitely not cheap, but the families featured on this show try to make their special day as cheap as possible while still making it wonderful.

DIY weddings, as one can guess, take a lot of work and patience. Some weddings on this show turn out amazing, but most of the others can are lacking. The show sticks to its cheap theme, but it’s not repetitive due to the variety of brides and ideas they have for their weddings.

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

This is the show to watch when you want to see something over-the-top and full of drama. It’s a British documentary series that follows Roma and Traveler Community brides. The best part of the show? Definitely the dresses. The brides that are featured like to take fashion to the next level with giant ballgowns and glitter crowns.

It’s worth noting that the show has come under criticism for how the Roma and Traveler Community are represented. They have a complex culture and they get painted with the same brush. The show is definitely worth watching but it’s good to be aware that it’s not going to educate viewers about culture. Watch it for the poofy dresses.


This show started back in 2004 and its most recent season was in 2018. The reality show typically follows two brides in each episode. We see the days leading up to the wedding, and we witness the bride being uncontrollable, emotional, and sometimes a downright bully to her friends and family members. The episode ends with their weddings.

The one problem? The show frames brides as crazy, which is a bit outdated in terms of reality shows. The fact that the show has run for so long speaks enough to its success and popularity.

My Fair Wedding

This show is hosted by the well-known wedding planner, bridal fashion designer, speaker, and author David Tutera. The reality series has been on the air since 2008.

The show follows Tutera and his team as they plan and create the perfect weddings for picky brides. Since Tutera has worked for celebrity brides, you can be sure that he has the ability to wow people with his work. Not just that, but the man only works three weeks before the big day. That’s crazy.

Platinum Weddings

The premise of this show is basically the opposite of Cheapest Weddings since it focuses on lavish weddings. For these couples, money is not a concern. They aim for luxury, to wow their guests, and to be the best of the best. Since the show is on the air since 2006, some episodes are available on YouTube.

It’s a must watch if you love seeing over-the-top events full of what average families can not afford. Unlike some other shows on the list, this one is pretty low-drama. The focus is on the details such as the cake, dress, and venue.


It’s worth saying that this show is definitely controversial. It has been met with criticism for embracing cosmetic surgery. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons prohibited surgeons from performing procedures as the prize in this show. To make matters even scarier, a past star of this show was murdered by her husband.

With all that in mind, this show will not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s a competitive series where 12 brides are competing for their plastic surgery wish to come true. It’s definitely junk TV, but sometimes that’s just what we want.

Don’t Tell The Bride

This British reality show is all about grooms planning the wedding. The premise is that the engaged couple is awarded money, but the deal is that the groom must plan the entire ceremony with no contact from the bride. They are out of contact for three weeks and the groom controls everything.

He even gets to pick the bride’s wedding dress! This show does feature gay and lesbian weddings so it is representative.

Rich Bride, Poor Bride

On the air since 2006, Rich Bride, Poor Bride is about planning a perfect wedding on a budget. The show follows a couple with a certain budget, and we see the struggle of their wedding planners trying to achieve a perfect wedding on that budget.

We see flowers, dress shopping, food, venue choosing, and everything makes a wedding tick. It’s interesting to see what can and can’t be accomplished with the couple’s budget.

Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings

This is the perfect show for Disney fans, as it revolves around Disney-inspired weddings. A lot of weddings are inspired by fairytales, but it’s these weddings that take that fairytale word and run as far as they can with it.

The locations aren’t just fairy tale based, and Disney locations such as cruises and theme parks are on the show as well. People get engaged and married at Disney all the time, so it’s fun to get a glimpse of what those events are really like through this documentary series.

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